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General Information change

Select from the following list to add a service to this appointment. cancel

  • Initial Session--In Person
    Sessions are usually 45-50 minutes long and are booked at the top of every hour.
  • Initial Session--Teletherapy
    Sessions are usually 45-50 minutes long and are booked at the top of every hour.
  • One Hour Session-- In Person
    Sessions are usually 45-50 minutes long and are booked at the top of every hour.
  • One Hour Session--Teletherapy
    Sessions are usually 45-50 minutes long and are booked at the top of every hour.
  • Covid-19 virus
    If you recently have had Covid-19, please wait 14 days from your last symptoms to make an appointment or until you test negative for Covid-19. Also, feel free to wear a mask, or not wear a mask, as you like. 
Therapist: JOHN LUCAS